June 21, 2025
10am- 4pm
Centennial Plaza,
330 Court Ave NW,
Canton, OH 44720
In 2024, Canton Pickle Fest had approximately 10,000 attendees.
Fill out an application HERE.
Canton Pickle Fest
believes that the humble pickle has the power to
spark creativity, ignite passion,
and celebrate the art of innovation.
The unique, quirky, and flavorful nature of pickles inspires creativity in all forms, from one-of-a-kind products to imaginative recipes that showcase the craft and care of their makers.
What the public truly loves to see is originality—products that tell a story, that reflect the passion of their creators, and that stand out with bold, pickled personality. We’re not just looking for items to sell; we’re looking for visions brought to life with love, creativity, and a dash of pickle flair.
As we bring together this vibrant community, we invite you to showcase your own pickled passion.
Whether it’s through a
new pickle flavor,
handmade pickle-themed gifts, or
a piece of artistry inspired
by the pickle itself,
we want your
creations to shine.
Join us in making this festival
a celebration of originality, craftsmanship, and the quirky magic of all things pickle!
Vendor Fees are as follows:
Cottage Foods, Pre-Packaged Foods
Artists, Makers, Apparel, et cetera
-$200 (Double Space, $400)Prepared Foods or Beverage Truck, Trailer, or Tent
-$300Commercial or Industrial Businesses
— $100, additional feeNon-profit Organization - Must bring activity
Vendors must obtain, at its own expense, any license or permits which are required for the operation of its trade or business by the City of Canton, Stark County and the State of Ohio.
Vendor must agree to collect and pay all required taxes and sales taxes.
A copy of your mobile or temporary food license must be sent to event organizers by June 11, 2025.
Failure to procure appropriate licensing will preclude you from participation. No refunds.
Event is rain or shine. No transfer of payments. No refunds.
All spaces are 10×10 ft. Double spaces are available by doubling the fees.
Vendors must provide their own tents, tables, chairs, displays and signage. Vendors must stay within their allotted space.
25 lb. weights per tent leg required by Canton City Fire Department. A working fire extinguisher is required for all food preparation vendors.
Electricity WILL NOT be available. If electric is required for your space, vendor will need to provide their own generator.
If preparing food onsite, no wastewater or grease disposal will be available. All wastewater and grease must be carried out with the vendor. If you dump waste in the street or fail to clean up your space and its surrounding area, you may risk being fined and may not be welcome back to participate in further events in Canton or at future Canton Pickle Fests.
Vendors must comply with all applicable State and Canton City Health Department rules and regulations.
Contact The City of Canton
for further details
and information regarding requirements
to prepare and sell food onsite.
330-489-3231 or cantonhealth.org
A copy of your mobile food license
or be sent directly to the
Canton City Health Department.
Packaged Foods/Cottage Foods
must be labeled properly
according to the regulations
provided by the
Ohio Department of Agriculture